About FAB
Sustainable Development
Construction Update

The FAB F.O.R.E.S.T which stands for Food, Overall Health, Resources, Economics, Science and Technology is a light industrial park and commercial area development project at The Town in Bagac, Bataan. F.O.R.E.S.T. will offer lots, thru lease or sale, to investors who will be interested to locate their businesses and production facilities.

FAB Forest is under The Town
FAB Forest

Prime Location

Prime Location

FAB F.O.R.E.S.T is 160 KM away from Metro Manila and located in The Town in Bagac, Bataan in compliment to the original FAB ZONE.

FAB F.O.R.E.S.T is in proximity with 3 international airports namely: Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, Subic International Airport, and Clark International Airport.


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The integration of developments: Industrial, Commercial, Leisure and Residential, are laid in a good foundation for a profitable investment opportunity. A master-planned township development that combines comfort functionality and efficiency that aims to create a beautiful and perfectly balance working and living environment.

Sources of Income

Sources of Income

Parks, Open Space, and Roads

Parks, Open Space, and Roads

Investors located in the FAB F.O.R.E.S.T. will also have the same privileges and incentives given by the Freeport Area of Bataan.

4-8 years

Income tax holiday

Exemption from Local and National Taxes

(Except for real property tax)

5% Payment of Gross Income Earned

After the ITH

Duty Free Importation

Capital Equipment, Raw Materials, Good & personal items for consumption within FAB

Exemption from wharfage dues, export taxes, impost and fees

Domestic Sales Allowance

Up to 30% of Total Sales

Special Visas

For Investors, Employees, and Retirees

Other Incentives

PEZA, BOI and other Freeport authorities in the Philippines provide to Investors

Construction Update as of 2021

Investors located in the FAB F.O.R.E.S.T. will also have the same privileges and incentives given by the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB).

Construction Update as of 2021